FOI request shows Young, Al-Rawi recused from Cabinet talks

NATIONAL Security Minister Stuart Young recused himself 57 times from meetings of the Cabinet over the years 2016-2020 in matters involving close relatives, and Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi recused himself 37 times from matters mainly involving property rentals for the same period.
The information was contained in a response to social and political activist Ravi Balgobin Maharaj’s freedom-of-information (FOI)request in June.
In his request, Balgobin Maharaj wanted information on Government’s financial arrangements with NCB Global Finance, whose CEO is the brother of the National Security Minister.
Maharaj sent separate FOI requests to the Cabinet, the permanent secretary of the Ministry of Finance and the Urban Development Corporation of TT (Udecott) seeking answers.
From the Cabinet, he wanted copies of all notes and minutes for matters in which both Al-Rawi and Young have recused themselves.
Cabinet secretary C Hemlee said Cabinet documents were exempt under the Freedom of Information Act. Balgobin-Maharaj was also told that based on his letter, there was no reason in favour of disclosure of the exempt Cabinet documents.
However, the secretary supplied a list of incidents in which both ministers recused themselves from matters which were before the Cabinet.
According to the information provided, Young’s recusal involved matters involving the International Financial Centre (IFC) of which his father, retired banker Richard Young, is chairman, as well as matters relating to NCB Global Finance.
According to the table provided, Young recused himself six times in 2016 and 2017; seven times in 2018; 20 times in 2019; and 18 times in 2020. The figures provided said the alleged conflicts of interest amounted to $22.5 billion.
In terms of the Attorney General, who recused himself 37 times, alleged conflict involved the leasing/rental of several properties, including 1 Alexandra Place, St Clair; several office and warehouse spaces in Port of Spain, St Clair and El Socorro, for various ministries; and variation of a Cabinet decision on the grant of a new agricultural/commercial/industrial lease relative to land at Orange Grove Estate.
The document also details his recusal from Cabinet meetings involving the report of the proceedings of an inter-agency committee for the evaluation of expressions of interest for a waste-to-energy facility at the Beetham Landfill Estate; and a proposal for the remission of customs duties and VAT on a PET/CT scan machine imported by Alexandra Imaging Centre. There was also a proposal for the continued engagement of private health care institutions for the provision of surgical, radiological and laboratory services for patients of the public health care system from which he recused himself.
The document also shows him removing himself from Cabinet discussions on additional funding for the hosting of CarifestaXIX in TT in August last year, and approval of the final budget for the event; the grant of approval for Rincon Development to sell lands at Rincon Estate, Las Cuevas; the grant of a lease of reclaimed lands at Paria Avenue, Shorelands; and a proposal for the change of use of land at 1 Alexandra Street, St Clair, from residential to commercial.
Al-Rawi removed himself twice in 2016; nine times in 2917; 15 times in 2018; ten times in 2019; and twice in 2020.
The UNC has questioned the ministers’ involvement in Cabinet meetings and possible conflicts of interest. In June, Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar questioned if Young had recused himself from Cabinet meetings where loans, allegedly amounting to $2.5 billion, were approved to be borrowed from NCB Global Finance.
In reply, Young has said, “I have recused myself on every single occasion that NCBGF arises in any Cabinet note. I recuse myself and I do not participate in any discussion on these Cabinet notes. I have recused myself on every single Ministry of Finance Cabinet note that mentions NCBGF, whether it is successful or unsuccessful.
“This is recorded on every Cabinet minute that NCBGF is mentioned.”
In his requests, Balgobin-Maharaj said the public has always been sceptical about interactions between the Government and NCB Global Finance because of the blood relations between the Young brothers.
In the past, Opposition MP Roodal Moonilal called for an Integrity Commission probe on the AG relating to the $23 million government rental at 1 Alexandra Place.
Matters in which Minister Stuart Young recused himself from the Cabinet meeting for the period 2016-2020
1. Termination/Appointment of the board of directors of the TTInternational Financial Centre Management Company Ltd.
2. Award of a mandate to Republic Bank Ltd to arrange a GORTT $2,000 million 14-year fixed rate bond for financial for the fiscal year 2016 budget.
3. Appointment of co-lead managers/arrangers for the issuance of an up to US1,000 million international bond by the GORTT for financing the fiscal year 2016 budget
4. Award of mandate to ANSA Merchant Bank Ltd to arrange a $90 million five year fixed rate bullet loan on behalf of Udecott to facilitate the completion of work to the Brian Lara Cricket Stadium
5. Proposal for the grant of Type 5 concessions to Gayelle Ltd and WI Sports Ltd for the provision of television broadcasting services via a public domestic fixed network.
6. Establishment of the TT Global Centre
1. Award of a mandate to First Citizens Bank Ltd to arrange a four-year fixed rate amortising facility to facilitate the financial obligations in respect of construction projects undertaken by NIPDEC.
2. Request for the grant of concessions for the provision of public domestic telecommunications services via a public domestic fixed (wireless) telecommunications network under the niche geographical class and a television broadcasting service/public broadcasting service via a public domestic fixed network/provisions of a public “free to air” radio broadcasting service network.
3. Provision of funding for the construction of the Churchill Roosevelt Highway Extension to Manzanilla Phase 1- Cumuto Junction to Toco Main Road.
4. Award of a mandate to Republic Bank Ltd to arrange a 12-year fixed-rate bond to facilitate the financing of the fiscal year 2017 budget
5. Approval of funding for the continuation of ongoing projects under the Ministry of Education’s schools’ construction programme in fiscal year 2017/2018.
6. Approval of funding for priority projects under the Ministry of Education’s schools’ construction programme in fiscal year 2017.
1. Establishment of a Cabinet-appointed implementation committee to interact with the private sector.
2. Award of a contract to NIDCO for work package 5B – completion of the segment between Eccles Trace and La Brea of the Solomon Hochoy Highway extension to Point Fortin project.
3. Approval of the budget for package 1B – completion of the Mon Desir Interchange bridge and Oropouche River Bridge of the Solomon Hochoy Highway extension to Point Fortin project.
4. Approval of the budget for package 1D – completion of No8 road overpass and Guapo River Bridge under the Solomon Hochoy Highway extension to Point Fortin project.
5. Award of mandate to NCB Global Finance to arrange a ten-year fixed-rate loan of 180.3 million for Udecott for Phase 2B of the Chancery Lane Office Complex.
6. Proposal for the grant of a type 5 concession to Synergy Entertainment Network Ltd for the provision of a television broadcasting service via a public domestic fixed telecommunications network on a national geographical scale
7. Granting of a type 5 concession to Synergy Entertainment Ltd for the provision of a television broadcasting service via a public domestic fixed telecommunications network on national geographical scale
1. (i) Type 2 concession for the provision of public domestic telecommuncations services via a public domestic fixed (wireless) telecommunications network on a niche geographical scale.
(ii) Type 56 concession for the provision of a television broadcasting service via a public domestic fixed network/provision of a public “free to air” radio broadcasting service network
2. Administrative report of TT International Financial Centre (IFC) Management Co Ltd as at September 30, 2018.
3 Approval of the budget for work package 5D – completion of the highway segment between Southern Main Road (4BB) and Dunlop Roundabout of the Solomon Hochoy Highway extension to Point Fortin project.
4 Proposal for the award of a mandate to ANSA Merchant Bank to arrange a ten-year fixed-rate bullet loan facility to CAL to facilitate the refinancing of the existing US$64,200,000 short-term loan
5 Award of a mandate to ANSA Merchant Bank to arrange a ten-year fixed-rate bullet loan facility to CAL to facilitate the refinancing of the existing US$64,200,000 short-term loan.
6 Award of a mandate to ANSA Merchant Bank to arrange a ten-year bond to facilitate the financing of the fiscal year 2019 budget.
7 Award of a mandate to RBC Royal Bank (TT) to arrange ten-year term loan to finance the completion of the construction and equipping of the Arima Hospital by Udecott
8 Award of a mandate to ANSA Merchant Bank to arrange a fully underwritten ten-year fixed rate loan of $127.5 million for Udecott as advance payment in respect of the construction of the new Sangre Grande hospital.
9 Administrative report of the TT IFC as at September 30, 2018
10 Award of a mandate to ANSA Merchant Bank to arrange a fully underwritten, nine-year fixed rate loan of $500 million for NIDCO for the financing of the Point Fortin Highway
11 Award of a mandate to First Citizens Bank to arrange a fully underwritten, 11-year fixed-rate loan of $101,993,930.90 for Udecott as partial financial for the redevelopment of the central block of the Port of Spain General Hospital project.
12 Award of a mandate to ANSA Merchant Bank to arrange a ten-year fixed-rate loan for $500 million for Nipdec for the financing of PURE
13 Award of a mandate to ANSA Merchant to arrange an 11-year fixed rate loan for $500 million for the ERHA for the financing of expenses related to the RHAs
14 Award of a mandate to ANSA Merchant to arrange a $300 million 13-year, fixed-rate bond to facilitate the repayment of the existing GORTT bond due August 3, 2019
15 Award of a mandate to NCB Global Finance to arrange a nine-year, fixed-rate bond for $400 million to facilitate the repayment of the existing MTS loan due November 14, 2019.
16 Award of a mandate to First Citizens Bank to arrange a 14-year, fixed-rate bond, and a one-year bond, totalling $1.2 billion for the repayment of an existing GORTT bond due on November 30, 2019.
17 Award of a mandate to NCB Global Finance for the provision of a two-year, US$25 million, fixed-rate loan facility to refinance the existing government-guaranteed US$25 million facility arranged by FCB for Petrotrin
18 Award of a mandate to FCB to arrange an eight-year syndicated loan facility for $500,000,000 on behalf of Udecott to facilitate the payment of financial obligations in respect of various projects.
19 Award of mandates to ANSA Merchant Bank and CIBC FirstCaribbean International Bank to arrange fully underwritten, eight-year fixed rate loans for Udecott to facilitate partial project financing for the redevelopment of the central block at the PoSGH.
20 Award of a mandate to Scotiabank TT to arrange a six-year $300 million fixed-rate loan for NIDCO to facilitate the payment to property owners/occupiers of lands identified for the construction of the new terminal at the ANR Robinson Airport, Tobago
1. Award of mandates to CIBC First Caribbean to arrange two eight-year fixed-rate loan for Udecott for partial project finance for the redevelopment of the Central Block of the PoSGH.
2. Award of a mandate to Republic Bank to arrange a 14-year fixed-rate loan for US$100 million for WASA to repay a US$60 million revolving facility and to settle outstanding obligations to Desalcott.
3. Award of mandates to RBC Merchant Bank (TT) to arrange and fully underwrite a seven-year fixed rate loan notes for NIPDEC to meet the cost of procurement, storage and distribution of pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical items.
4. Award of mandate NCB Global Finance to arrange a fixed rate bond for up to $1.5 billion for the purpose of providing budgetary support for fiscal year 2020
5. Variation of decisions pertaining to the reservation of a parcel of state land at Douglas Road, off Cumuto Road, Barrackpore, for use by the Princes Town Regional Corporation for the establishment of a Muslim cemetery and creation of an access road.
6. Award of a mandate to Scotiabank TT to arrange and fully underwrite a four-year non-revolving fixed-rate loan facility to finance the outfitting of Tower D, IFC, to accommodate the relocation of the Civil High Court and Civil Division of the Court of Appeal from the Hall of Justice.
7. Administrative report of the TT IFC as at September 30, 2019.
8. Award of a mandate to RBC Merchant Bank TT to arrange a $300 million, nine-year fixed rate loan note to meet the operating expense of MTS
9. Award of mandates to RBC Royal Bank TT, ANSA Merchant and FirstCaribbean for the provision of three loan facilities totalling US$72.3 million to finance to existing government-guaranteed facilities held with Republic Bank for Petrotrin
10. Ratification of approval for the award of a mandate to FCB and RBL to arrange and fully underwrite a GORTT US$102,392,000 three-year 6.3 per cent fixed rate bonds to facilitate the redemption of existing notes
11. Award of a mandate to ANSA Merchant to arrange a US$65.6 million, five-year fixed-rate USD loan for CAL
12. Proposal for the survey and excision of five acres of state land at the former government farm in St Joseph and the grant of an agricultural lease to Sprout Farm for establishing a greenhouse facility.
13. Appointment of a Credit Suisse and FDB as co-lead managers/arrangers for the issuance by GORTT of a bond of up to US$500 million on the international capital market to facility the repayment of the existing US$250 million GORTT bond and to provide budgetary support for fiscal year 2019/2020
14. Award of a mandate to NCB Global Finance Ltd to provide a $125 million fixed-rate loan for WASA to refinance Tranche 1 of WASA’s $432.2 million, three-tranch bond due to mature on June 3, 2020.
15. Grant of covering approval for the award of a mandate to RBL to arrange a $300 million, nine-year, 5.2 per cent fixed rate loan to meet the operating expenses of MTS.
16. Request for the survey and excision of a parcel of state land (formerly Caroni (1975) Ltd), south of Rivulet Road and east of Milton Road and grant of an agricultural lease to Sprout Farm for the purpose of establishing a greenhouse facility.
17. Award of a mandate to RBL arrange a 12-year fixed rate bond for $600 million to facilitate the refinancing of an existing GORTT $600 million bond due to mature June 30, 2020.
18. Award of mandate to NCB Global Finance to provide a $125 million fixed-rate loan for the purpose of financing WASA's liabilities.
Matters in which Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi recused himself from the Cabinet Meeting for the period 2016-2020
1. (i) lease/rental of office space in the building at No. 1, Alexandra street (known as Alexandra place), St Clair, Port of Spain
(ii) lease/rental of office in a building at corner of Tragarete Road and Elizabeth Street, St Clair, Port of Spain
1. Proposed Lease/Rental of office space in the building known as Chepstow House at No. 56, Frederick Street, Port of Spain, to accommodate the Ministry of Community Development, Culture and the Arts
2. Lease/Rental of office space in the building at No. 5, Gray Street, St Clair, Port of Spain to accommodate the TT Fire Service, Ministry of National Security
3. Additional public offering by NGC of Class B Shares in TT NGL Ltd.
4. Proposed appointment of members of the Legal Aid and Advisory Authority
5. (i) Port of Spain office accommodation for the Ministry of Education, the Immigration Division of the Ministry of National Security, the Ministry of the Attorney General and Legal Affairs and the Ministry of Finance
(ii) Properties that are leased/rented but unoccupied.
6. Appointment of members to the Board of the Deposit Insurance Corporation .
7. Proposed lease/rental of warehouse space in the Building located at No. 50, El Socorro Road, San Juan, to accommodate the Inland Revenue Division, Ministry of Finance.
8. Reappointment/appointment of members of the Chaguaramas Development Authority
9. Proposal for the lease of a lot of land in the Woodbrook Estate for residential purposes
1. Lease of a lot of land in the Woodbrook Estate for residential/commercial purposes
2. Allocation of additional funds for the settlement of a judgement debt and statutory interest accruing on a debt, arising out of a court order made against PSAEL
3. Interim arrangements for the management of the Tourism Trinidad Destination Management Company Ltd (Tourism Trinidad)
4. Lease/rental of office space in the building known as Chepstow House at No. 56 Frederick Street, Port of Spain, to accommodate the Ministry of Community Development, Culture and the Arts
5. Final report of the proceedings of the inter-agency committee for the evaluation of expressions of interests for a waste-to-energy facility at the Beetham Landfill Estate
6. Report on the proceedings of the inter-agency committee for the evaluation of expressions of interests for a waste-to-energy facility at the Beetham Landfill Estate
7. Final report of the inter-agency committee for the evaluation of expressions of interest for utility scale renewable energy projects, and matters related.
8. Final report of the inter-agency committee on the evaluation of the expressions of interest for utility scale renewable energy projects
9. Proposal for the continued engagement of private health care institutions for the provision of surgical, radiological and laboratory services for patients of the public health care system
10. Proposal for the continued engagement of private health care institutions for the provision of surgical, radiological and laboratory services for patients of the public health care system
11. Lease/rental of office space in the building located at Nos. 19, 29 and 29A, Estate Trace, Barataria, to accommodate the Valuation Division, Ministry of Finance
12. proposed lease/rental of an office building at No. 3, Alexandra Street, St Clair, to accommodate the Ministry of Labour and Small Enterprise Development
13. Variation of the Cabinet decision pertaining to the grant of a new agricultural/commercial/industrial lease in respect of a parcel of land at Orange Grove Estate, and other matters .
14. Appointment of Mrs Zelica Haynes-Soo Hon, Legal Counsel III, Ministry of the Attorney General and Legal Affairs, to perform the functions of Registrar of Friendly Societies
15. Proposal for the remission of customs duty and VAT payable on a PET/CT Scan Machine imported by Alexandra Imaging Centre
1. Appointment of the Registrar of Friendly Societies
2. Remission of customs duty and VAT payable on a PET/CT scan machine and accompanying medical equipment imported by Alexandra Imaging Centre Limited
3. Proposed lease/rental of the building at No. 3, Alexandra Street, St. Clair, to accommodate the Ministry of Labour and Small Enterprise Development
4. Proposed lease/rental of the building at No. 3, Alexandra Street, St. Clair, to accommodate the Ministry of Labour and Small Enterprise Development
5. Lease/rental of the building at No. 3, Alexandra Street, St. Clair, to accommodate the Personnel Department
6. Additional funding for the hosting of Carifesta XIV in TT over the period August 16-25, 2019
7. Additional expenditure with respect to the visit of the Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs to Dublin, Ireland, and London, United Kingdom, for ongoing work with international attorneys in respect of several urgent legal matters (February 20-27, 2019)
8. Request for approval of the final budget for the hosting of Carifesta XIV 2019 in TT over the period August 16-25, 2019
9. Final budget for the hosting of Carifesta XIV 2019 in TT over the period August 16-25, 2019
10. Grant of approval for Rincon Development Ltd to conduct the sale of lands situate at Rincon Estate, Las Cuevas, on the Real Estate Market
1. Proposal for the grant of a lease in respect of a parcel of reclaimed land at No. 3A, Paria Avenue, Shorelands.
2. Proposal for the change of use of a parcel of state land known a Lot No. 32, at No. 1, Alexandra Street, St Clair, Port of Spain from residential to commercial.
"FOI request shows Young, Al-Rawi recused from Cabinet talks"