Imbert asks Customs to clear backlog

MINISTER of Finance Colm Imbert has reportedly asked Customs to reduce the backlog of goods at Piarco Airport.
On Friday Imbert met with the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) sub-committee for logistics, along with representatives of Customs and Excise.
Imbert acknowledged the frustrating backlog of goods at the airport is bad both for business and the economy, said AmCham CEO Nirad Tewarie.
He told Newsday the meeting was promising, and that Imbert has asked Customs to reduce the backlog, ideally by this weekend.
He said Amcham was satisfied with the outcome, "considering that we're in a period where there can't be any legislative changes," he said.
"We've been writing to Customs requesting a meeting for the last three weeks or so and we eventually asked the Minister of Finance to meet, which we did."
Tewarie said the backlog had reached the point where many companies would have to wait a week or more to clear goods.
He said Imbert invited Customs to the meeting.
Interim regulations instituted in March were meant to ease the backlog. They followed an earlier meeting between the Minister of Finance, Customs and business representatives.
However, Tewarie said, "We are of the view that a number of procedural changes Customs has made in the last three months since the last meeting have significantly contributed to the delays.
"We do, however, acknowledge that some companies have to improve their systems as well to minimise the potential for delay."
Apart from clearing the backlog, Tewarie said it was agreed that it was necessary to set up a consultative working group on behalf of the logistics companies and Customs, with the first meeting to be held next week.
He said said the chamber will forward a number of recommendations to the minister for legislative changes within the next two weeks.
"We hope whoever is the next Minister of Finance, as the person responsible for Customs, (he or she) will take it into consideration, whether it's Minister Imbert, someone from his party or someone from another party," said Tiwarie.
Newsday was unable to reach Imbert for comment.
"Imbert asks Customs to clear backlog"