Inland Revenue offices closed on Monday

THE Board of Inland Revenue (BIR) will close all of its Inland Revenue Division (IRD) offices on Monday. These offices will reopen for business on April 7.
This information was contained in a statement issued by the Finance Ministry on Saturday.
Finance Minister Colm Imbert in a tweet said the staff at the IRD offices had done "yeoman serivice over the last month, collecting much-needed revenue" which allowed the State to pay salaries, wages, pensions, refunds and invoices.
"Recognising their service, we have agreed to allow them to stay at home on Monday."
The offices to be closed are the IRD Tower - Ajax Street, Port of Spain; South Regional Office - Cipero Street, San Fernando; Tobago Regional Office - Wilson Road, Scarborough and all district revenue offices in TT.
The ministry apologised to the public for any inconvenience this would cause. The BIR staff are among the essential services which remain functional as many other services remain closed until April 15.
"Inland Revenue offices closed on Monday"