[UPDATED] No longer case of ‘if’ but ‘when’

It is no longer a case of if the coronavirus will reach English-speaking Caribbean countries incuding TT, it’s a matter of when.
This from Minister of Health Terrence Deyalsingh who said TT is preparing for the worst but hoping for the best as the country ramps up action to avert any outbreak and spread of the coronavirus.
Fresh from an emergency meeting of Caribbean leaders and their health ministers in Barbados, on the possible spread, Deyalsingh said Monday that it is only a matter of time before one of the first English-speaking Caribbean countries announces a confirmed case of the virus.
He said also that it is only a matter of time before all of the islands are affected by the virus one way or another. A regional protocol establishing minimum standards for dealing with the covid19 was agreed to. The protocol is critical to avoid an outbreak of panic and fear in the Region, according to Caricom’s regional website, Caricom Today.
“We came up with certain protocols to manage the inevitable introduction of covid19 into our territories.” Deyalsingh said of the Barbados meeting.
“We got an update as to the fact that the virus is now in the Caribbean region, In Santo Domingo, St Barts, St Martin and also in Mexico.”We came up with certain protocols to manage the inevitable introduction of covid19 into our territories. We got an update as to the fact that the virus is now in the Caribbean region. In Santo Domingo, St Barts, St Martin; it is also in Mexico.”
Deyalsingh said the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) is on high alert for testing while the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) is lending this country all their technical expertise through the WHO to manage the situation. He said it is necessary now to have these steps taken to provide clinical support. Other agencies at the meeting included the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CEDEMA), and the Caricom Implementing Agency for Crime and Security (IMPACS)
Deyalsingh said at the meeting Prime Minister of Barbados, Mia Mottley, emphasised that the region is in “a crisis management mode.”
“There were discussions on protocols to deal with cruise ships and the region must follow the World Health Organisation (WHO) recommendations. Deyalsingh said it meant that the region needs to have all agencies working together and sharing information which is being done.
According to Caricom Today, the meeting agreed to establish an expanded bureau of heads of government to continue discussions with the travel and tourism industry, regional financial institutions, international financial institutions and the private sector with respect to the marshalling of resources to augment the region’s capacity to deal with a possible outbreak.
Deyalsingh said there were presentations from representatives of PAHO, CARPHA, and the Cruise Ship Industry because it is a big income earner for Caricom states. Also in the emergency talks were representatives of the cruise ship industry: the Florida Caribbean Cruise Associate, and the Cruise Lines International Association.
Cruise ship industry officials said that they have been doing their part in screening passengers and stated that they were willing to work with the established protocol.
The officials said they greatly appreciated the commitment and expertise of their partners in CARICOM, PAHO, CARPHA, CEDEMA and IMPACS as everyone works together in their mutual interest of providing the highest degree of safety and health for passengers, crew and the destinations visited.
Speaking specifically to action in TT, the Health Minister said, “We have ramped-up on the ground preparations in terms of making the number of beds available. From Caura were are moving from 20 beds to 24. We have a new space in St James. We have built a new space in Port of Spain and we have designated the Couva Hospital as a major centre in the event that there is a national outbreak which is hardly likely.”
“Another thing that was mentioned is the fact that social media, - this is something all PMs and Health Ministers were concerned about - is the role that social media is playing by spreading fear. That is something we are coping with. It is distracting us from focussing on the issue but that’s modern living for you,” Deyalsingh said.
This story was originally published with the title "Deyalsingh on covid19: TT preparing for worst, hoping for best" and has been adjusted to include additional details. See original post below.
After attending an emergency meeting in Barbados on Sunday with Caricom heads of government and health ministers, Health Minister Terrance Deyalsingh said it was only a matter of time before one of the first English speaking Caricom countries announced a confirmed case of the covid19.
In an interview on Monday, he said this country was preparing for the worst but hoping for the best.
Deyalsingh said it was only a matter of time before all Caribbean countries were affected by the virus in one way or another.
He said, at the meeting, Barbados
Prime Minister Mia Mottley emphasised that the region was in “a crisis management mode.”
“We have ramped-up on the ground preparations in terms of making the number of beds available. From Caura were are moving from 20 beds to 24.
“We have a new space in St James, we have built a new space in Port of Spain and we have designated the Couva Hospital as a major centre in the event that there is a national outbreak which is hardly likely.”
"[UPDATED] No longer case of ‘if’ but ‘when’"