Deputy mayor expects bumper downtown parade

Neil 'Iwer' George displays an award presented to him by the Port of Spain City Corporation at the launch of Downtown Carnival hosted by the Port of Spain City Corporation at Woodford Square, on Friday. PHOTO BY JEFF MAYERS - Jeff Mayers
Neil 'Iwer' George displays an award presented to him by the Port of Spain City Corporation at the launch of Downtown Carnival hosted by the Port of Spain City Corporation at Woodford Square, on Friday. PHOTO BY JEFF MAYERS - Jeff Mayers

Deputy Mayor of the Port of Spain City Corporation Hillan Morean said he expects yet another bumper year for downtown Carnival.

“To us, it is a reflection that while there is a stigma of the downtown area, there is a safety and attraction to the area that still entices bands year after year," he said at the launch of the event on Friday.

He pleaded masquerades and patrons to follow all guidelines, especially those given by the police, to help curb lawlessness.

“The city is going to have a heavy police presence, more than 100 municipal officers on the ground to keep the order. But of course, we can’t police everything, manage yourself, manage where you go, when you go and operate as sensibly as possible."

Morean said the corporation has been responsible for the Downtown Carnival event for several decades and has seen the growth of the event.


At the event, soca artiste Neil “Iwer" George and former secretary of the Downtown Carnival Committee Ann-Marie Caballero were honoured. Iwer for his contribution of soca music and Caballero for her 20 years of service.


"Deputy mayor expects bumper downtown parade"

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