Free Green films screening for students

Students at 2018 Green career talk session held at Digicel IMAX. -
Students at 2018 Green career talk session held at Digicel IMAX. -

Hurricane 3D will teach students about the effects of one of nature’s most horrifying and destructive disasters when the Green Screen Environmental Film Festival hosts its school screenings next week.

The film fest will supplement knowledge of key emergency preparations for a hurricane with a more in-depth understanding of the phenomenon – its formation, journey, impact as well as its necessity within the wider eco-system – through the documentary feature film Hurricane 3D.

The docu film is described as “the true story of a 15,000-kilometre journey in the footsteps of one of the most devastating natural events on our planet: the Atlantic Hurricane. [The] protagonist is both destructive and vital to life on earth,” said a media release.

Residents of hurricane-prone regions are encouraged to prepare for hurricanes by securing their homes and important personal items, stocking up on canned foods, water and batteries, among other things.

In keeping with its commitment to youth engagement, the ninth edition of the festival, which runs November 5-9, will present free screenings of Hurricane 3D for secondary school students, November 6-8 at Digicel IMAX.

Festival director Carver Bacchus describes the film as eye-opening.

Students engage robotics display as part of 2018 school screenings exhibition at Digicel IMAX. -

“For the past seven years we’ve been exposing students to various environmental issues like waste management, biodiversity and climate change through film. We expect Hurricane 3D will be as eye-opening for the youth as any of the films we’ve shown previously, and maybe more so given the real-life, catastrophic outcomes of recent hurricanes,” Bacchus said in the release.

Students will also get to view the 25 one-minute films shortlisted for the 2019 Very Short Shorts Mobile Film competition, addressing the theme Waste Not, Want Not.

The school screenings will also feature professionals of different "green careers" engaging students on their respective fields of environmental interest and endeavour. With its inception in 2018 the segment focused on marine sector experts. This year’s talks will showcase young professionals involved in reforestation, marine conservation and environmental education.

Bacchus said he is is optimistic that “together, the screenings and the Green Career Talks can inspire young people to think more deeply about their role in sustaining the environment and to capitalise on increasing opportunities in the green economy.”

For more info: e-mail sustaintt@gmail and follow @greenscreentt on Facebook and Instagram.


"Free Green films screening for students"

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