Venezuelan children in the heart of Divali

ILLUMINATED by the lights and in love with the history of Divali, a group of Venezuelan children visited Felicity's heart on Sunday night, to get to know and commemorate the traditional Hindu celebration.
Girls dressed in beautiful saris and boys with elegant kurta walked through the main streets to see the ornaments and the lights that are the main attraction during this holiday.
In total there were 16 youngsters between four and 16 years old, whose visit was facilitated through the Arima Hispanic Cultural Centre. Several institutions in the area provided the perfect clothing for the occasion.
“We are promoting in our Venezuelan children the Trinitarian culture, that they not only think that they are in TT as a result of a crisis in their country, but also that they take advantage of their stays here to fill themselves with knowledge, enrich the soul and especially their education,” said Andreina Briceño, director and founder of the HCC.
They made the trip from Arima on a bus, courtesy Tyron and Lisa Waterman.
“They are people who know about the work we do so that Venezuelans, especially children, are integrated into the communities. These activities are part of the training programme we are carrying out, including music and dance classes,” Briceño added.
During the walk that lasted approximately two hours, Hindu families left their homes to greet the Venezuelans, who thanked them for their presence and for recognising the importance of this tradition for the Trinidadian people.
"People gave our children sweets, juice, pop corn, fireworks and a lady briefly told Divali's story," said Amelia Olivero, one of the mothers who accompanied the children.
More cultural events are planned for this weekend at the Casita del Centro Cultural Hispano de Arima, this time as part of the Halloween festivities.
"Venezuelan children in the heart of Divali"