'K-Pop - The next big thing'

In the absence of Korean Pop (K-Pop) inspired events, 21-year-old Maya Harripersad and 20-year-old Pooja Ramroop are prepared to make a difference. The two university students are hosting a K-Pop Day event, on Saturday July 20 at Leilani Estate, Maracas Valley, St. Joseph.
Harripersad, a project management student at the School of Accounting and Management (SAM), said the event will feature Korean barbecue, novelty games, karaoke competitions and musical games she saw her K-Pop idols play.
“K-Pop is not that weird foreign thing. K-Pop is the next big thing,” she said. Asked about her experience putting together the event thus far, Harripersad admitted it has been a “struggle” but the responses have been “worth it.”
The event will begin at 1 pm and a Korean horror movie will be shown at 6.30 pm.
Random dance
Almost every K-pop song had an accompanying dance and learning the dances is part of K-pop fans culture.
"‘K-Pop – The next big thing’"