Invaders’ memorial for Mannette

Ellie Mannette
Ellie Mannette

THE management and members of Shell Invaders Steel Orchestra will honour the life of pan tuner and innovator Elliot “Ellie” Mannette with a memorial reception tomorrow at its panyard, the birthplace of many of Mannette’s inventions.

Starting at 7.30 pm, the programme will highlight Mannette’s journey from being a young inventor to an acclaimed academic. Dr Jeannine Remy, senior lecturer in music in the Department of Creative and Festival Arts, UWI, and co-author of Invaders Steel Orchestra: The History of a Legendary Trinidad Steelband, will share the academic aspects of Mannette’s accomplishments.

Other speakers will include representatives from Pan Trinbago, Mannette’s childhood friend Jim Inniss and his nephew Barry Mannette.

Musical tributes will come from Hadco Phase II, Shell Invaders and Shell Invaders Youth Steel Orchestra.

The genesis of Mannette’s ground-breaking work with the pan was in Invaders panyard, where he made some of his innovations, including sinking the drum and placing rubbers on the sticks.


Michael Dinchong, Invaders’ managing director, said, “Were it not for Ellie and others like himself who came before us, Invaders would not be referred to as a legendary steelband and there would not have been that pride that has pervaded throughout the many years amongst its members and supporters.

“We see ourselves as the bearers of the torch of their legacy. We also think of ourselves as responsible for forging a path of our own to continue the legacy of Invaders.”

Invaders will be also dedicating its Republic Day traditional J’Ouvert jump-up in memory of Mannette.

The event will be streamed live on Invaders’ Facebook from 8 pm by livestreamt&t.

Mannette 90, died on August 29, in West Virginia, USA.

On the US and TT memorial services, both Chanler Bailey of Mannette Musical Instruments and Emily Lemmerman, professional pan tuner and Mannette’s close friend, told Newsday: “We are co-ordinating with Ellie’s family closely and are being led by their decisions on dates and locations for the memorials.

“We all wish to honour Ellie and his legacy, and as soon as further details become available, we’ll get the word out through as many methods as we can.”


"Invaders’ memorial for Mannette"

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