Event promoters want meeting with Griffith

EVENT promoter and interim chairman of the newly-formed TT Promoters Association (TTPA), Randy Glasgow, has written to Commissioner of Police Gary Griffith for a meeting in an effort for the latter to help save TT Carnival and the entertainment industry.
A release from Glasgow stated it was because of economic and bureaucratic factors that the TT Carnival and entertainment sector has stood still and, in many cases, regressed while other destination carnivals and events have flourished. He also offered that it was perhaps the reason several of these islands are confident enough to declare in international marketing, their carnivals and shows are the best in the region.
As to how Griffith can assist in this regard? Glasgow said one of the areas that can be immediately looked at is the process for getting bar licences head on.
“The present system allows the police to determine how many police officers must be assigned to an event before getting a bar licence and when the hearing for this licence goes before the court.”
Glasgow wants the police to factor the present economic situation of the country and reduce strengths for small, medium and large events that sometimes total 25 to 230 officers, costing between $15,000 to $240,000.
Citing his own show Ladies Night Out which, he said, moved from the Hasely Crawford Stadium to the much smaller Jean Pierre Complex, Glasgow said the same strength that the police called for at the stadium was applicable to complex, despite actually begging senior officers at the Western Division about the economic challenges and smaller venue.
Glasgow wants Griffith to ensure the process for bar licences are prepared and taken to court by police months ahead of events, saying if this is done, event promoters could factor the police cost and make the necessary budget adjustments like any other business to ensure events’ viability, or cancel the event all together and not spend on marketing, deposit to artistes and venue etc.
“The present system does not allow for this to happen. About 95 per cent of court hearings for bar licences happen the week of the event.
Quite a few promoters are now cancelling events after getting police cost the same week of events because they cant afford police costing.”
"Event promoters want meeting with Griffith"