Griffith no magician

THE EDITOR: Now that we have a Commissioner of Police, which I most definitely welcome, it is important that the nation be very balanceD in their thinking.

Let us face it, the Commissioner of police Mr Gary Griffith is no magician and crime, which has latched unto TT over the years will not just disappear because Gary Griffith has arrived. If that is what we think, believe me, we are living in a “fool’s paradise.”

Crime is still everyone's business and it will take a collective effort if any serious indent would be made here. While Mr Griffith is at the helm, what is absolutely necessary is the full support of TTPS, citizens, leaders and politicians. The legal system must also do its part. There will definitely be new concepts and ideas coming to the table and this will not just happen overnight to be put in place. We will all have to be patient for things to happen. This is simply being realistic judging from where we are with crime in this country.

However I am confident with our new Commissioner of Police things will happen positively in our country. I believe he has the know how and the determination to bring about change. The key remains the same – a united front with all hands on deck – because Gary is no magician

Arnold Gopeesingh, San Juan



"Griffith no magician"

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