Chickens coming home...

THE EDITOR: The chickens are at last coming home to roost. The suspicion that corruption is rife here is slowly but surely being accepted by our senior politicians who have now called for audits into 14 regional bodies. The only problem with the Cabinet publishing such plans now is that many of these suspected corrupt regional bodies will gain time to cover up any incriminating evidence.

Another announcement made Thursday about the hunt for 250 doctors clearly indicates that our health service has been operating below par for decades. The disappointing thing about it all is, despite the fact that we have a University here that is supposed to be turning out highly qualified graduates, it would appear they do not meet the standards required to become doctors.

Now, this is very bad as it tarnishes the true status of the certificates and diplomas held by many citizens here who were educated at our local university.

Perhaps this is why we are lacking in all-round progress within this nation because we have so many so-called qualified citizens in authority here flouting the local university academic awards that are perhaps below the internationally acceptable standards and are really worthless. That may be the main reason for the local holders of such qualifications lacking in logical reasoning, true professionalism or the capacity to deal with matters effectively in their careers.

GA Marques via e-mail



"Chickens coming home…"

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