Change begins at home

THE EDITOR: As we await the newness of the New Year and expect it to bring all the goodies for us, our intentions should also be the same, bringing in newness by a new change of positive attitude and awareness. Everyone wants to see change but how many of us really intend to start the process of change? Is it that we expect others to change while we ourselves are not willing and open to positive change?

Our society needs a good dose of spiritual awareness in order to bring about the changes that we wish to see. This change does not begin with the others but by each and every one of us individually.

Spirituality is the only remedy to mend our broken and uncompassionate minds. The loss of values in society has ridden our communities with violence and fear. This is as a result of the lack of values beginning in the homes. If every home takes it upon themselves to instill values in their children’s minds, there can, undoubtedly, be a change in their attitude and behaviour which will definitely lead to better individuals. The simple act of educating a child in values from a tender age could create a grand impact in society where mothers and fathers does not have to be weeping and suffering for the loss of a child because he was in the wrong company. Parents have to take responsibility for the way their children are raised and children must also learn to obey their parents and make better choices so that they can grow up to become responsible adults.

Asking the Government for protection against evil elements in society will not and never offer long-term solutions as every human being is responsible for the upbringing of their own child. There is a saying “a child is brought up by the society” which means that we all, as part of the wider community, have to contribute to a child’s upbringing. If you see a neighbour’s child in illicit acts, isn’t it your duty to call the attention of his/her parents about it? Whatever the parents do afterwards will be their responsibility. But you have done your part. If we each start looking out for each other in that way, don’t you think we can create a society where we feel safe to live in?

In that way the blame game can stop and we can have a peaceful night’s rest free from fears of assaults. It all lies in our hands at the end of the day.


Remember, that children learn whatever they see others do. So your children are learning from you​r​ every footstep. You curse, they will also do the same. You take them to the temples and churches they will definitely develop better behavioural patterns. ​

So parents if you do not wish to shed tears over the loss of your child or children start to educate them in positive values. There is a way out and it all starts with you. You can bring about the changes you wish to see in your society. Act now and regret never.

​​BK Silvereen
Directora Brahma, Kumaris World Spiritual University, Venezuela


"Change begins at home"

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