Airport needs more seating

THE EDITOR: Allow me to make an observation about seating for people picking up passengers at Piarco Airport.

First of all, we go to the airport to pick up relatives or whoever and because we want to observe the law and not park and wait on the shoulder outside (which is a violation), we go to the car park and, after wondering why it is so full, we get a spot somewhere on the perimeter against the eastern fence.

We then respectfully proceed to the arrival terminal — where scores of people are waiting — anticipating a long wait not knowing how many immigration or customs officers have reported for work. Low and behold, there are anywhere between 50 and 100 people standing about because there is nowhere to sit — there is only seating for approximately 15-20 people.

It’s not as if the airport is cramped for space. A few rows of seats can be easily added to help the situation. After all, we are paying $10 an hour to park. For what? To stand up for God knows how long? Maybe the Airport Authority might want to charge for additional seating too. Who knows?

W DOPSON, Woodbrook



"Airport needs more seating"

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