Garcia: Posting old school fight videos is wickedness

Education Minister Anthony Garcia said when citizens post old videos of school fights on social media they are only being mischievous and wicked.
Garcia said it was obviously done to make the education system look bad and by people who have their own sinister motives for doing so.
When asked what he hoped to achieve by asking the public not to share videos of school fights, Garcia said, “My statement is being misunderstood. I am stressing on that it is just for wickedness. What is being done is that people are posting and showing videos that have been long past and have been dealt with. To re-post those videos is not making any sense because those incidents happened a long time.”
“Up to this morning I saw a video that is circulating that was dealt with two years ago. People are doing that just for wickedness. Some of those incidents happened two years, a year and a half. Old videos... what is the purpose? They can tell me! That is not edifying. It is doing nothing to help the education system,” he said.
"Garcia: Posting old school fight videos is wickedness"