Zidane's natural musical talent

Zidane Daniel, eight, has blown his parents away with his self-acquired talent for playing classical pieces by Beethoven on the keyboard.
He has impressed them with the pieces he has mastered, such as Fur Elise, 5th Symphony, Moonlight Sonata and Tempest, at the age of four.
Ludwig van Beethoven, who died in 1827 was a German composer and pianist, known to this day for his music. If you've seen the Disney movie Fantasia, you would have heard Beethoven's 5th Symphony.
Zidane attends the Palmera's Learning Centre, Calcutta Street, Port of Spain, a school for children with learning disabilities and behavioural disorders.
Asked why he chose the keyboard, his father, Imran said, "I think the keyboard choose him! It was by pure coincidence that he began playing."
Zidane has always shown an interest in classical music and his father said his happiness is incomparable since he now knows how to play the pieces he loves so much. He added that he hasn't got his sisters Jade and Laila, 20 and 14, into playing any instruments yet.
His father recalled his anxiety during Zidane's first public appearance under lights and in front of a crowd where he got to showcase his talent.
"We were so nervous for him – but he was amazing and brave and didn't want to stop playing.
"When he was younger loud noises and crowds was too much of a sensory overload, and he would have a meltdown. As he's gotten older he copes much better."
This performance was for a talent show, Kids Soooo Amazing, to be aired on Tuesday on CNC3.
Zidane also loves art and also tackles origami, constructing buildings with playing blocks and playing video games on his tablet. He also enjoys trips to the beach and being outdoors as much as possible.
His father said, "Zidane has come a long way when it comes to all of these things. It's only been the last four years he's been able to start to do all of these things and enjoy it."
Asked his future plans, Zidane is not sure what he wants to do.
His father added, "He's come along leaps and bounds and all we can hope for is that he becomes a functional, self-sufficient young man and adult. The strong support structure he has now that helps him to cope as a child with autism may not be around forever, but the most we can do is send him in the right direction."
"Zidane’s natural musical talent"