Refugee boxer Eldric Sella awaits permission to travel for Olympics

Venezuelan boxer Eldric Sella  - UNHCR
Venezuelan boxer Eldric Sella - UNHCR

WITH two weeks remaining to the start of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games, the Ministry of National Security has still not confirmed whether refugee boxer Eldric Sella will be granted permission to travel to Japan and return to Trinidad and Tobago.

On Thursday, Minister of National Security Fitzgerald Hinds told Newsday, “What I do know is that I am aware of the name and the matter is before the ministry for consideration of certain matters that were raised in letters to me and the matters are gaining our attention.”

Sella, a middleweight (75 kg) boxer, is one of 29 athletes competing in 12 disciplines for the second-ever Refugee Olympic Team.

Venezuelan Sella, 24, has been living in TT since 2018.

The Olympic Games will be held from July 23-August 8 in Tokyo, Japan.

But before arriving in Japan, Sella needs an exemption from the Ministry of National Security to leave TT and return.

Sella’s relationship with TT began in 2017 when he travelled to TT for multiple boxing events. He was then invited by the World Boxing Council to complete two short courses under the council’s programme in an effort to enhance his boxing skills.

He later applied to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to stay in TT.


"Refugee boxer Eldric Sella awaits permission to travel for Olympics"

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