Sonja Johnson re-elected Trinidad and Tobago Chess Association president

SONJA Johnson retained her post as president of the TT Chess Association (TTCA) following their Annual General Meeting on Saturday.
Johnson was re-elected unopposed alongside all other executive members.
The new TTCA executive team comprises of Johnson, Frank Sears (first vice president), Daryl Davis (second vice president), Sadiqah Razark (third vice president), Sandy Razark (secretary), Kena Bartholomew (assistant secretary), Gabriella Johnson (public relations officer) and Keelan Hunte (treasurer).
Other officers elected included Ryan Harper and Judith De Verteuil, both of the disciplinary committee, and Andrew Bowles as trustee. Serving on the tribunal are Yogi Ramsingh, Leonard Duncan, Kwesi Dyer, Shannon Yearwood and Hayden Lee.
The AGM was held via Zoom with 14 of the 15 member clubs, in attendance.
In presenting her report on the 2020-2021 activities, Johnson credited young chess players Zara La Fleur and Alan-Safar Ramoutar on being nominated to a shortlist of seven athletes for the First Citizens Top Youth male and female awards.
Additionally, she highlighted the TTCA being shortlisted in the top three for the Jeffrey Stollmeyer award for sporting organisations during the First citizens Sports Awards for 2020.
Johnson also said despite the challenges brought on by covid19, chess has been one of the few sports to successfully stage events for 2020 and 2021.
A release issued by the TTCA said, “During the months of February and March 2021, the National Youth and Junior Chess Championships, as well as the Return to the Board Open, were held at Preysal Secondary, Couva.
“These were then followed by online events including the International Women’s Day tournament on March 6, 2021, and the three-stage Online Chess Grand Prix which concluded on 19th June 2021.”
Johnson used the opportunity to recognise the contribution of the executive team, member clubs and all stakeholders for the continuous success of the TTCA which allowed the organisation to continue to fulfil its mandate.
She also shared several initiatives to be embarked upon by the new executive which included the enhancement of its digital presence, constitutional review, building the volunteer base and pursuing avenues to enhance the TTCA’s resources including finding a ‘home’ for chess.
Johnson was pleased to have the opportunity to serve again for the fourth time.
She added, “This past year has really been a memorable one. With all the challenges which covid19 presented, it allowed us to explore new opportunities for us to serve the community.
“I am so grateful to my team who rose to the occasion in the face of uncertainty and worked harmoniously to ensure we navigated this situation as best as possible.
“I truly look forward to this new chapter as we seek to further engage in activities to enhance the sustainability of the TTCA.”
"Sonja Johnson re-elected Trinidad and Tobago Chess Association president"