TEMA collects $225k in relief supplies for St Vincent

The Tobago Emergency Management Agency (TEMA) has received an estimated $225,000, so far, towards its relief drive for volcano-hit St Vincent and the Grenadines.
The La Soufriere volcano erupted on April 9, some 42 years after its last explosion.
More than 16,000 Vincentians have since been evacuated and scientists monitoring the volcano are warning that further seismic activity is likely to continue.
Caricom countries, including TT, are assisting the island with its immediate needs through various humanitarian initiatives.
TEMA director Allan Stewart said the agency, which launched its relief drive shortly after the eruption, has, to date, received over 3,589 items at a value of $225,000.
“That is what TEMA can account for. That includes some of the efforts of Radio Tambrin and various other people who have made contributions,” Stewart told Newsday.
He said some 26 pallets of goods are expected to be sent to Trinidad on April 20, so the Tobago Disaster Relief warehouse in Signal Hill can be cleared to accommodate more items.
Items could be dropped off at the Tobago Emergency Operations Centre, Fairfield Complex, Scarborough.
Saying the agency continues to receive cases of bottled water, toiletries, non-perishable items on a daily basis, Stewart appealed for citizens to donate masks, goggles and cleaning agents.
“Those need to be ramped up so that people know how best to make their contribution. But the outpouring of support has been overwhelming.”
The Progressive Democratic Patriots, which began its relief drive on April 16, is expected to complete it today.
Bethel/Mt Irvine representative Pastor Terrence Baynes said people have been responding.
“It has been good enough. We have collected a lot of water and some other stuff. But we are on a drive this week for more feminine supplies and toiletries,” he said.
"TEMA collects $225k in relief supplies for St Vincent"