17 new covid19 cases

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There has been a leap in the number of covid19 cases as 17 more people tested positive from samples taken between March 14 and 16. The number of active cases stands at 121.

The Health Ministry’s update on Wednesday said the number of deaths remains at 140. It said there were two recovered community cases.

Five people remained in hospital at the Couva Hospital and Multi-Training Facility and one person remains at the Couva Hospital and Multi-Training Facility.

There are 98 people in home self-isolation, the same as on Tuesday, and there are 312 people in state quarantine facilities, an increase of 36 from Tuesday’s figure of 276.

The update said a total of 103,786 people have been tested to date, 49,277 of them at private facilities.


Since March 2020, there have been 7,807 positive cases, of which 7,544 have recovered.


"17 new covid19 cases"

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