No speedy justice for others?

THE EDITOR: This is an open letter to the Law Association.

It is commendable that your members issued an immediate media release to advocate for the rights of two murder accused in light of an alleged existence of a video which was highlighted in one of the daily newspapers. This release, however, demonstrates blatant bias by your association as this video may not even exist. There has never been any press releases in the past about individual cases, and exhibits a feeling of no confidence in our pre-existing Police Complaints Authority.

It is unfathomable that your statement further revealed personal autopsy details (without their families' permission) and a subsequent analysis and conclusion of one of the people who succumbed to their injuries in the public domain. Furthermore, your position sets a bad precedent and implies that both the police system and by proxy the healthcare system have been negligent and criminal in executing their duties.

In the past your silence has been deafening on numerous occasions involving handling of evidence, death of witnesses in various cases, incidents of human and drug trafficking and multiple homicides where no advocacy for the accused or victims and their families alike were made. It is curious that a statement of this nature was indeed released. In your attempt to be the oracle of intelligence and beacon of justice you have opened a literal Pandora's box.

Ironically the very same justice system that Andrea Bharatt was an employee of, which was supposed to protect and serve her, was the same system that has utterly failed her. Ecclesiastes 8:11 states: “Because the sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.”

Your release failed to mention speedy justice or international assistance for all victims of crime, neither the number of charges or bail procured against each individual accused.”

It is abundantly clear that crime is a big business in TT. Nobody seems to benefit more from it than the very members of the Law Association.


San Fernando


"No speedy justice for others?"

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