PTSC rescinds eviction notice to transit mall tenant

THE Public Transport Corporation (PTSC) has rescinded an eviction notice sent to a tenant at one of its transit malls.
Last week, after attorneys for Myntie Chaitan threatened to file contempt proceedings against the PTSC, attorneys for the transport corporation wrote saying the notice was sent in error and would be withdrawn.
Attorneys Michael Rooplal and Vishan Girwar wrote to PTSC general manager Davis Ragoonanan last Wednesday, giving him until 4 pm on Friday to withdraw the eviction notice delivered to Chaitan on June 2.
The corporation was reminded that Chaitan’s tenancy was the subject of litigation currently before Justice Ronnie Boodoosingh who, in December 2018, and again in May 2019, granted and extended an injunction preventing PTSC from removing tenants from the PTSC Transit Malls.
Chaitan runs Trinimints Sewing Shop at the San Juan Transit Mall.
As part of the judge’s order, the tenants were to settle their arrears, failing which the injunction would be discharged.
Girwar said Chaitan settled all her outstanding arrears which PTSC’s attorneys acknowledged in court.
The attorney said, therefore, the injunction remained in place in relation to Chaitan’s tenancy and the PTSC cannot lawfully determine her tenancy. To do so, he warned, would amount to a contempt of court.
Chaitan was given until June 30 to give up her booth at the mall.
In his decision in May, Boodoosingh continued an injunction in favour of some 27 PTSC Priority Bus Route (PBR) mall tenants.
The tenants were at the San Juan, Curepe and Tunapuna transit malls. As part of the legal action, those in Port of Spain and Arima are resisting the PTSC’s quit notices and the corporation’s increase in their rent from $7 to $14 per square foot.
In its letter, PTSC attorney Elena Araujo said the corporation will advise Chaitan formally, and apologised for any inconvenience caused.
"PTSC rescinds eviction notice to transit mall tenant"