NGO vows to continue providing 500 meals for children during covid19 crisis

Avalon Gomez, centre, and Former national footballer Cornell Glen of D'Embassy Sports Bar, El Socorro, left, present, councillor Stephan Wattley for Mausica/Maloney with lunches for children affected by the closure of schools in his community on Thursday. - Ayanna Kinsale
Avalon Gomez, centre, and Former national footballer Cornell Glen of D'Embassy Sports Bar, El Socorro, left, present, councillor Stephan Wattley for Mausica/Maloney with lunches for children affected by the closure of schools in his community on Thursday. - Ayanna Kinsale

EmpowHerTT founder Avalon Gomez has successfully distributed 500 free meals to assist children that depend on the National School Feeding Programme but has found herself bombarded with phone calls from parents seeking food cards, hampers and other assistance.

Gomez, a businesswoman, said that after the PM initially announced schools would be closed for a week she decided to provide a free meal and a drink per household to those in need.

She said since she released the information on social media it was shared more than 1,000 times and both parents and principals started calling.

Gomez said Thursday was the first phase of distribution to 500 households.

From left, Avalon Gomez of D'Embassy Sports Bar, El Socorro, sanitises the hands of councillors Samuel Sanker for Kelly Village/Warrenville, Seema Ramsaran-Augustine for Valsayn/St Joseph and Stephan Wattley for Mausica/Maloney before they collect lunches for children affected by the closure of schools in their communities on Thursday. - Ayanna Kinsale


She said although parents were told to go to distribution sites for 11 am, parents and care givers were there and waiting from 10 am.

"Everything went smoothly and I am happy with the feedback I have received from parents/guardians. I am sorry, but I cannot provide any assistance in the way they are requesting. A lot of people believe I am affiliated with the National School Feeding programme.

“I want to reiterate, my project is not tied in any way to getting food cards or hampers nor to get children on the school feeding programme list. This project is just what it is.”

Avalon said the organisation was only trying to assist in providing single-parent homes with meals on Thursdays while children are away from school.

Avalon Gomez, centre, and former national footballer Cornell Glen of D'Embassy Sports Bar, El Socorro, second from right, present, from left, councillors Stephan Wattley for Mausica/Maloney, Seema Ramsaran-Augustine for Valsayn/St Joseph and Samuel Sanker for Kelly Village/Warrenville with lunches for children affected by the closure of schools in their communities on Thursday. - Ayanna Kinsale

She said the organisation had reached its 500-meal limit and could not facilitate any more requests.

“I think it is only fair the organisation continue to provide for the same 500 households with the free meal and a drink until April 16.”


"NGO vows to continue providing 500 meals for children during covid19 crisis"

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