TTW: He was harmless. Why kill him?

Raymond Choo Kong was supposed to be hosting a master class at the Trinidad Theatre Workshop (TTW) today. Instead, the theatre community was shocked and plunged into mourning as they learned of his death.
Police confirmed Choo Kong was found stabbed on a couch in his Arima home. Police are still at the scene.
Choo Kong was a fixture in the theatre community and a prolific actor, producer and director whose recent plays included The Mating Game and Choose Your Partner Wisely.
On learning of Choo Kong's murder, Albert Laveau, artistic and managing director of the TTW, wondered who would commit such a crime.
"I was talking to him this morning. He was supposed to teach a class. I am trying to cope with this shock," Laveau said.
He lamented that Choo Kong was having difficulty with his knees and wondered who would enact such violence on the beloved actor.
"He is a harmless person. Why would anyone want to kill him?"
Laveau said the murder brought the alarming crime situation closer to home.
More details as they become available.
"TTW: He was harmless. Why kill him?"