Garcia 'schools' Ramdial over Montrose Vedic Primary

Ramona Ramdial
Ramona Ramdial

Two locations to house students of the Montrose Vedic Primary School are to be reviewed in the coming week.

Parents of students recently staged a placard demonstration outside the compound to highlight infrastructural and health problems plaguing the school. They parents were joined by Couva North MP Ramona Ramdial.

In a media statement on Friday, Education Minister Anthony Garcia condemned statements made by Ramdial, who reportedly said the school is being “intentionally ruined” in a “criminal act” by the ministry.

“Mrs Ramdial is being cautioned on the message she is sending to the children that she represents when statements like these are so freely expressed in the presence of impressionable minds. What statements like these in fact do, is tell the students that they are second-class citizens or are not ‘as important', which no child should ever be made to feel.”

Garcia said they have been working to alleviate the challenges faced by the school's population and “while it is understandable that all affected are simply seeking a resolution, we must be able to take the politics out of it.


“We must not be so impassioned by a cause that we forget who we are representing and why we are doing it. Leave the politics for the parliament,” he said.

“Mrs Ramdial and I have worked quite well in the past to address issues that have affected her constituents. I ask the MP to bring that same spirit and energy that brought relief to the students of Carapichaima to this situation, so we can work together for the fastest possible resolve. The students are our top priority and we will continue to work together until we are at a place where all parties are at least comfortable.”


"Garcia 'schools' Ramdial over Montrose Vedic Primary"

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