Mickela could be the next Prime Minister

THE EDITOR: The people of TT are crying out for new leadership. The 2010-2015 period under the leadership of Kamla Persad-Bissessar and the UNC-dominated People’s Partnership administration was extremely traumatic, to say the least.

The Reshmi Ramnarine scandal and the chaos that ensued at LifeSport, a programme that spent over $250 million in taxpayers’ money with very little to show for it, is still fresh in the minds of many.

Dr Keith Rowley’s leadership however doesn’t inspire much confidence either.

His handling of matters concerning PNM MPs Marlene McDonald, Camille-Robinson-Regis and Faris Al-Rawi offers no hope that better days are ahead.

Minister of National Security Edmund Dillon promised us late last year that his new plan will put a dent in crime this year.


This has not been the case as crime continues to spiral out of control and yet the Prime Minister continues to put his confidence in him.

Mickela Panday has an opportunity to offer an alternative to a dissatisfied and disappointed public.

She can become the next prime minister by learning from the mistakes of previous administrations. Previous governments have foolishly made brand new offers without saying where the hundreds of millions of dollars are to come from; though they will of course come from us.

In order to become the next prime minister, Mickela must offer good government.

She must offer a government that possesses sound and intelligible principles, that will pursue great national and social objectives with resoluteness, that is equipped to meet the storms that inevitably will come with a proper sense of navigation, and that will have unity and cohesion within its ranks and a strong sense of loyalty.

Mickela has had sufficient time to form a mental picture of the kind of nation she wants to see in the next decade – a strong TT, respected, friendly, well housed and fed and clothed and happy; a producing nation and a nation that has crime under control.

Mickela could possibly become the next prime minister.

, Chaguanas


"Mickela could be the next Prime Minister"

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