Boost for tourism, job creation

With Tobagonians having called for the plan for a proposed new terminal building for the ANR Robinson International Airport, to be made public, the Airports Authority on Tuesday issued a statement declaring that extensive research and several studies including an Airport Master Plan, were used to determine the optimal location for the new terminal.
The Authority, describing the project as “one of the largest economic stimulating projects in its (Tobago) history,” said the proposed site for terminal development spans the area south of the Store Bay Local Road, between Kilgwyn Bay Road on the east, and Store Bay Feeder Road on the west.
The Authority’s statement follows on a May 14 public consultation at Rovanel’s Resort on the Store Bay Local Road, called by the Authority and the Tobago House of Assembly (THA), and at which Tobagonians were informed of plans to acquire 84 acres of land to build a new airport terminal.
Acquisition of the lands will affect 120 property owners. Residents were told that the construction of the terminal was to begin in December. Finance Minister Colm Imbert has said the project would cost $500 million.
On May 22, THA Minority Councillor, Dr Faith BYisrael, speaking at a media conference of the Minority Council in Scarborough, called for plans for the project to be made public.
BYisrael said she attended the May 14 consultation, and that it was clear that it was the first noted, time residents realised they were going to be dislocated to accommodate the airport terminal.
“… they (AATT and THA) were very clear that they were only introducing the issue…” she also said, noting subsequent consultations planned were that week between THA officials and individual property owners.
She said that at the end of that week of consultations, however, “they (authorities) still did not have concrete evidence, concrete information to give to these people who they are going to be uprooting, whose lives they are going to change forever because they are going to be required to leave their heritage.”
In its statement on Tuesday, AATT said several factors were considered to determine site suitability such as cost effectiveness, time savings, continuity of operations and reuse and topography, and minimal social and environmental impact.
In terms of cost effectiveness, AATT said the location selected for the new terminal is 600 metres east of the current terminal building which is at the 6,000- foot mark on the runway.
“At this location, much of the existing airport infrastructure can still be utilized such as the runway, the existing terminal (which will be repurposed for a cargo and executive jet centre), the airports administration building and areas utilised for ground handling equipment and maintenance.
AATT said the new terminal is on the existing aerodrome and construction will be limited to the terminal, car parking, pavement and access roads and as such the timeframe for construction will be faster than at a greenfield site (an undeveloped site earmarked for commercial development or industrial projects).
It said the selected location allows for reuse of the existing terminal, apron and pavement.
AATT said as Airport Operator, it “took its responsibility very seriously in ensuring that the decision for location of the new terminal is sound according to technical aviation requirements.”
The statement said location selected by the THA and the Authority “has been demonstrated to be the most cost-effective option and the most suitable site to complete construction of new terminal facilities and associated works in a timely manner so the people of Tobago could enjoy the benefits of a boosted tourism sector, increased employment opportunities and modern airport facilities which would serve as a catalyst for further economic development.”
“The Authority stands committed to working with the Tobago House of Assembly to ensure that the development of the airport progresses, keeping the best interest of the people of Tobago, and by extension Trinidad and Tobago, at heart,” it added.
"Boost for tourism, job creation"