Conform then complain

THE EDITOR: When I passed the SEA, I had to make some adjustments to my mode of dress.

I had to wear shoes. I had to wear a tie.

I leaked on my tie many a time because I was wearing it too long. I had to have a proper haircut and beard.

For me the change was challenging but I quickly adapted.

I knew my new environment had rules and regulations. I wanted to be there.


There was a dress code in effect. Discipline solves everything.

I could stay home dress how I wanted and not be be properly schooled. When I go to to the bank to withdraw my money I have to remove my cap. When I go to a Hindu temple I have to remove my shoes.

I lost a good Pony in India this way.

This is not personal. This is about following relevant rules and regulations.

You always have a choice in life. I say conform and comply then complain.



"Conform then complain"

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