Mark: 15 women murdered for 2018
WITH 15 women killed for this year, what is being done to deal with the increase in violent crimes against women?
This was the urgent question posed by Opposition Senator Wade Mark to National Security Minister Edmund Dillon during the Senate sitting yesterday. Dillon in response said he was informed by Acting Commissioner of Police Stephen Williams there were several measures in place, not only to address violence against women, but general criminality. These included visible presence, marked and unmarked vehicles and uniformed personnel. He also reported that at police town meetings the public is advised to be aware of their environments and to not use illegal PH taxis for transportation, but if they have to they must be very careful about which vehicles they take. He said safety information has also been provided via social media.
Mark in a supplemental question asked what specific measures were implemented for women.
Dillon responded that he thought he answered the question quite clearly by outlining the measures by the Police Service. Mark then asked if the minister was aware of women reporting domestic violence to the police did not receive adequate cooperation but the Senate Vice President Nigel De Freitas said he would not allow that as a supplemental question.
Last week school teacher and mother of five Margaret Guevara was shot and killed by a male relative in her Sangre Grande home. The assailant shot himself in the face in a failed suicide attempt and has been hospitalised.
"Mark: 15 women murdered for 2018"