Carmona to judges: Bend the rule of law, but don’t break it

In addition to their legal knowledge and academic qualifications, President Anthony Carmona urged three new High Court judges to let their morality and sense of justice guide their decision-making process.
He made the comment at the swearing-in ceremony for Justices Lisa Ramsumair-Hinds, Gail Gonzales and Sharon Gibson at the Office of the President, St Ann’s yesterday.
Carmona, who described himself as a judicial activist, added that while the past appointments and experiences of the judges have prepared them with the knowledge and expertise to make sound decisions, they should use the law to make a positive difference.
“These are challenging times, but the bottom line is, when you are committed to giving and doing what is required of you, you will be confronted by forces who are pressed on causing mischief, who have done nothing for the masses of people. As judges, I am not for one moment saying I want you all to be rash. I beseech you, when the time is right, to bend the branch of the law but do not break it.”
Carmona said as the appointment process for judges assumed greater focus and involved public consultation, recalling his early days as an attorney in the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, he had proposed the idea of greater mobility within the ranks of the judicial system.
“I can recall speaking to my boss then, and the Chief Justices that I was privileged to work under, about the possibility of creating greater mobility in our judicial system as it relates to the appointment of magistrates, and I went so far to suggest – and I don’t know if it is a suggestion the Chief Justice will consider – that maybe the time has come for us to create further driving mobility within the system by having some magistrates move up position.”
Chief Justice Ivor Archie congratulated Ramsumair-Hinds, Gonzales and Gibson and expressed optimism that they would continue to make a mark on the judicial landscape. He said while the task ahead of them was a large one, he was confident they would fulfill their duties to the best of their ability. Archie declined a request for an interview after the ceremony.
"Carmona to judges: Bend the rule of law, but don’t break it"