[UPDATED] IRO: Election too close to major religious holidays

Parliament, Abercromby Street, Port of Spain.  -
Parliament, Abercromby Street, Port of Spain. -

Inter-religious Organisation head Pandit Lloyd Sirjoo said the election date of April 28 and the resulting campaign period are disrespectful to the three major religions whose reflection periods fall within the period.

Christians are currently observing Lent, which ends on April 17, with Easter Monday on April 21. Muslims are observing Ramadan, which ends on March 31. Spiritual Shouter Baptist Day is celebrated on March 30.

Speaking to Newsday shortly after the announcement of the election on March 18, Sirjoo said these days are important to the people who observe them.

"In my mind, they should have shown some respect and allowed a little space for the periods to be finished. They should have called it five weeks after the end of the Lenten period. But politicians don't really take on religion unless it suits them and you can't really tell them what to do."

Monsignor Christian Pereira said the calling of the election was more or less expected.

"With the change of the Prime Minister we expected that the population will be asked to affirm or reject the change.

"It is sad that in the midst of the holy seasons of Ramadan and Lent we will be subjected to very aggressive public campaigns."

ASJA acting president-general Imam Ahamad Hosein said the campaign would not affect its members in any way.

He said the police should be on hand to stave off any wayward behaviour.

Prime Minister Stuart Young was sworn in on March 17 and announced a new Cabinet on the afternoon of the same day. The announcement of the election date came less than 36 hours after Young was sworn in.

The campaign period also falls within the state of emergency.

This story and has been adjusted to include additional details. See original post below.

Inter-religious Organisation head Pandit Lloyd Sirjoo said the election date of April 28 and the resulting campaign period are disrespectful to the three major religions whose reflection periods fall within the period.

Christians are currently observing Lent, which ends on April 17, with Easter Monday on April 21. Muslims are observing Ramadan, which ends on March 31. Spiritual Shouter Baptist Day is celebrated on March 30.

Speaking to Newsday shortly after the announcement of the election on March 18, Sirjoo said these days are important.

"In my mind, they should have shown some respect and allowed a little space for the periods to be finished. They should have called it five weeks after the end of the Lenten period. But politicians don't really take on religion unless it suits them and you can't really tell them what to do."

ASJA acting president-general Imam Ahamad Hosein said the campaign would not affect its members in any way.


"[UPDATED] IRO: Election too close to major religious holidays"

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