Monsters take life of treasured pundit

Pundit Ramesh Maharaj was killed at his Sou Sou Lands, Sangre Grande home on September 29.  - Photo by Gabriel Williams
Pundit Ramesh Maharaj was killed at his Sou Sou Lands, Sangre Grande home on September 29. - Photo by Gabriel Williams

THE EDITOR: To the nation, the murder of Pundit Ramesh Maharaj of Sangre Grande was just another killing. It was just another brutal chopping death of a nobody person, robbed of valuables which he and his wife earned. It was hardly noticeable and will be forgotten by some people.

Can you imagine the pain he must have endured being chopped mercilessly? And what would they have gotten? Cash received from his daily seedhah (token cash, groceries and haberdashery items normally given to pundits for their services). Maybe there was some gold trinkets, as usually there are small amounts and maybe a few brass thalis (plates).

But Maharaj will not be forgotten by many people and there is no punishment for his killers severe enough to compensate for the loss of this earnest and endearing pundit. This is an atrocity beyond measure, beyond description. It is the wickedness of the unconscionable demons that that he often spoke of in his discourses that we offer prayers that the souls of our departed would be safeguarded against in the afterlife.

For those who don't know, Maharaj specialised in the bhandhara (release from the material world) ceremony which follows the anteshwari sanskar (funeral rites) and conducted the said ceremony at both the Caura and Valencia Rivers. His loss at the hands of butchers is inconceivable.

He was a treasured soul and his pujas brought much needed relief and closure to many, myself included, for the last 15 years. He was a deeply devout vyas (learned one) and guided many. His pujas were so soul-enriching that many who attended the rites of others were moved to gather at his spot to listen to his glorious recitation of Krishen puja, join him in singing bhajans and renew their commitment to bhakti (devotion).

The monsters who did this have brought his contribution to the Hindu world to an end. They have destroyed his wife's life and caused her immeasurable pain.

This nation has gone from wounded to now deceased and decaying. We are beyond redemption or rescue.


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"Monsters take life of treasured pundit"

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