Name campus after Basdeo

Former prime minister the late Basdeo Panday. - File Photo/Roger Jacob
Former prime minister the late Basdeo Panday. - File Photo/Roger Jacob

THE EDITOR: Within the last week we have had some suggestions, and at least one announced tribute in the form of naming something after former prime minister Basdeo Panday.

The Maha Sabha has named Shiva Boys College after him.

Among other suggestions are the naming of Piarco Airport after him and the awarding of the Order of the Republic of TT (ORTT), the highest national award, posthumously to Panday.

If I may add mine, I suggest the UWI campus in south Trinidad be named after Panday. My rationale is it represents former cane fields, now "brain fields," and his work in the sugar industry and commitment to education is well known and this will be a lasting and unique tribute indeed.





"Name campus after Basdeo"

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