Young condemns bullying after childhood incident resurfaces

Prime Minister Stuart Young. - Photo by Jeff K Mayers
Prime Minister Stuart Young. - Photo by Jeff K Mayers

PRIME Minister Stuart Young has expressed his condemnation of bullying. He did so while reflecting on an incident he experienced as a teenager.

In a Facebook post on March 19, Young said, "The issue of bullying in this country is unfortunately real and one that I take very seriously as a father and now as Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago."

He added, "It is deeply unfortunate that an incident which occurred when I was a teenaged schoolboy has resurfaced in a way that does not allow for a full and fair discussion."

Young said this incident was traumatic for everyone involved.

"People are shaped by their experiences and I have no intention of minimising anyone’s feelings, even my own, on this matter, some 33 years later."


The public’s interest, he continued, is not served by politicising an issue as sensitive as bullying.

Young said this is an issue which deserves thoughtful discussion and meaningful solutions.

"Let’s focus on writing the next chapter in which we work to ensure that our schools are safe spaces where all children can feel protected and get the support that is needed. That is my commitment to Trinidad and Tobago."

Young's post was in response to one who came from a woman called Nadia Khan who said her brother was bullied by Young in secondary school.

Young was sworn in as prime minister on March 17 and the general election was called on March 18, amid opposition criticism of him over this incident which was reported by the media decades ago.


"Young condemns bullying after childhood incident resurfaces"

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