Lifeline staff available to help prevent suicide

Truman Lochan Dass Jr. -
Truman Lochan Dass Jr. -

Suicide hotline Lifeline is urging people to use its free service to help combat suicide.

A March 7 release said it mourned the loss of Truman Lochan Dass Jr, 28, who died by suicide last week and extended its condolences to his family and his friends.

However, it said Lochan Dass' death compels everyone to turn grief into action.

"Every life lost by suicide is heart-rending, leaving behind devastated families, friends and communities. Preventing suicide requires multiple interventions.

"We call upon everyone to uphold a safe and supportive environment at home, in schools and in the workplace, where every person is seen and heard."


It reminded the public that its toll-free 800-5588 and 800-5433 numbers are manned 24/7 and offer free tele-support services for who may have lost a loved one and to those who may be contemplating suicide.

"Lifeline is a non-profit organisation established in June 1977 in TT. We provide a 24/7 free helpline service offering emotional support to persons who are despairing and contemplating suicide. Our trained listeners can help callers through a wide range of crisis-related issues. At an individual's request, we can connect persons to externally recognised services and agencies."

It assured that the service is confidential and anonymous and according to its principles, does not judge people.

It said more information can be found on its website at

Lochan Dass was found hanging at a Hosein Street, Williamsville apartment by an 11-year-old girl on the evening of March 4. His funeral was held on March 7. Lochan Dass' parents own the wholesale/retail business Stackhouse Co Ltd in southern Trinidad.

On March 5, 19-year-old Ogechi Nicole Uchenweze was found dead at her Sangre Grande home by her mother and brother with duct tape over her mouth and a clothes clip on her nose. Police believe she died by suicide after investigators saw no visible signs of violence but found three journals which detailed her research and plans, including one entry which outlined the method used.


"Lifeline staff available to help prevent suicide"

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