Stop the noise pollution games

THE EDITOR: Noise pollution reared its ugly head in this country over 30 years ago. The Environmental Management Authority (EMA) has been in existence for some 30 years, and to date has failed to address this scourge.
The police continue to make excuses. If you speak to ten different senior officers you will get ten different reasons and/or excuses for their abject failure to stem this runaway horse.
The Prime Minister somehow saw it fit years ago, when announcing the removal of the covid19 restrictions, to make the following irresponsible and callous statement, "Loud music can now be played."
The Minister of Health seems unaware that noise pollution is a health issue. The Attorney General is ignorant of this problem and obviously isn't cognisant of the fact that he is "the guardian of the public's interest."
Imagine at a meeting on November 3, 2023, between the EMA and the police, which was hurriedly convened after the October 23 Court of Appeal judgement re: the EMA vs Wild Goose Ltd, a joint statement was released as follows: The police "recommitted to treating with noise pollution under section 70 of the Summary Offences Act, noting it's officers may act immediately on complaints to address an ongoing public nuisance."
No reporter has seen it fit to ask anyone of these people to give an explanation of why this problem continues to be unresolved.
I read a letter last week from a resident of Woodbrook on this issue. I saw another letter the previous week on the issue from a doctor, and I applaud this writer, because I continue to be dismayed by the blatant lack of interest displayed by our medical practitioners on this very serious matter.
How could the rights of law-abiding citizens be abused and disrespected so blatantly and so many so-called prominent citizens remain silent?
Too many of our administrators are unfit for office and lack shame.
Many citizens ask whether TT is a real place, I now ask: Is TT a civilised place?
I have heard certain media people make totally uninformed statements on this matter. Some even suggesting that those of us complaining are somehow "the problem." Such abject ignorance from people who ought to know better. No surprise in a "banana republic."
So in conclusion, let me say to the Prime Minister, the Health Minister, the Attorney General, the hierarchy of the police service, the heads of the EMA, please stop the games and demonstrate some consciousness, some humanness, some testicular fortitude and do your jobs.
I am tempted to ask how on earth some of them sleep at nights, but I was told by a friend who asked this exact question of a senior police officer. His damning response was, "Very well, because I choose where to live."
What a country!
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"Stop the noise pollution games"