Towards a second edition of republic

- Photo courtesy Pixabay
- Photo courtesy Pixabay

THE EDITOR: Next year TT enters its 50th year as a republic. Our past experiences clearly show that there is an urgent need for meaningful constitutional revision.

More importantly, based on the most recent events as unfolding in the public domain as they relate to the executive, administrative and judicial arms of governance, serious amendments are required in order to repair the many dysfunctions in the system.

The recent adjustment to our coat of arms is but one small step. May I propose that in lieu of this piecemeal approach that the exercise be undertaken holistically. The confluence of the constitutional reform committee's report with the several scandalous events in all arms of governance provides us an opportunity to devise an appropriate document that will reflect our collective hopes and aspirations for a second edition of our renewed Republic of TT.

This second republic may even require radical changes in our Constitution, anthem, coat of arms, etc, but can ultimately provide a better fit and drastically reduce the commentary that continually arises as a consequence of our current approach.



St Joseph


"Towards a second edition of republic"

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