Country in sorry state of neglect

THE EDITOR: The question arises as to what the term "private development" really means. According to road repair crews, either from the Ministry of Works or local government corporations, if an area is deemed to be a "private development" then road repairs are left to the private developer.
But what if the private developer has completed his "developmental scope of work," sold all his interests to new landowners or homeowners and has moved out of the area?
What happens to the development, such as Roystonia, Couva? Does the area become an "orphan child" with no one to take care of the needs of the residents who have invested their entire life savings, and may be paying for ownership for the next 20-25 years, right up to retirement age?
If this is the case, I submit that residents of such developments be exempted from paying all taxes including the much touted property tax.
Since taxes are said to be used for the benefit of burgesses, including the repair and maintenance of roads, drains, bridges and walkways, then it is clear that citizens living in these so-called private residential areas are being shortchanged by the authorities in charge.
The roads in this peaceful and quiet area called Roystonia are in a deplorable condition. They have become so bad that some roads can only be accessed by four-wheel vehicles and trucks. In a few months and after a few heavy showers these roads will only be passable by tractors and backhoes.
Residents are fed up calling on the Works Ministry and the Couva/Tabaquite/Talparo Regional Corporation) to do something about the poor condition of the roads, but our cries are just falling on deaf ears.
The ministry and corporation have both fallen asleep and fallen down on the job.
The roads are so bad that the drivers of emergency vehicles such as ambulances and fire tenders are refusing to manoeuvre their way into the area for fear of damaging equipment, or being stuck in the large craters that have developed over the period of neglect.
Is it that we have to wait for the election bell to ring or residents to block roads and burn tyres before we catch the attention of the authorities? TT is in a sorry state of neglect and disrepair, and it gets worse each day.
Are these the same people who are clamouring for hefty pay increases while the nation suffers? People, the time to stand up and be counted is now.
"Country in sorry state of neglect"