Pinto man gunned down while bathing

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- File photo

A 40-year-old man was gunned down while bathing outside his Pinto Road, Arima home on December 8.

The man has been identified as Jawanza Richards of Sesame Street, off Pinto Road.

Police said around 8.15 pm on December 8, Richards was bathing in an unfinished concrete building behind his house when multiple gunshots were heard.

Richards's common-law wife found him lying on the floor of the bathroom with gunshot wounds.

Police found 34 spent shells, of both 9mm and 5.56 calibre.


They said the investigation into Richards's death is ongoing.

The murder toll stands at 574, compared to 540 as at December 9 last year.

There have been 12 murders this month to date, two fewer than at the same date last year.


"Pinto man gunned down while bathing"

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