Cops find loaded gun in Longdenville

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- File photo

CENTRAL Division police, who went in search of a gunman in an intelligence-led anti-crime operation on the Divali holiday (October 31), instead found and removed a semi-automatic gun with ammunition for the streets.

The police said the operation took place between 9 am and 12 pm on October 31.

Acting on a tip-off about a gunman seen in Longdenville, the officers went to Flemming Street near an abandoned and dilapidated shed.

No one was seen in and around the area.

However, PC Stewart discovered a Mac 10 gun, which contained a magazine with 11 rounds of 9 mm ammunition.


Snr Supt Simon, Supts Gloden and Supt Gyan, ASP Ablacksingh and Insp Petit co-ordinated the exercise, which Sgt Bhagoo led.

It also included acting Cpls Phillip and Hollwah and PC Stewart.

Acting Cpl Hollwah is continuing investigations.


"Cops find loaded gun in Longdenville"

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