TTPost partners with Labour Ministry, OJT

THE Ministry of Labour and Trinidad and Tobago Postal Corporation (TTPost) have signed a memorandum of agreement to establish a partnership supporting the On-the-Job Training (OJT) Programme, which aims to provide 26 young trainees with experience while contributing to TTPost's operations.
The signing took place on September 17, and a media release sent the same day by TTPost said the collaboration highlights the company's "vision for nurturing the next generation of professionals and reinforces its dedication to adapting and thriving in an increasingly digital and courier-driven environment."
It says OJT training provides meaningful opportunities for young professionals and will integrate trainees perspectives by fostering innovation.
"Trainees will receive robust support, guidance and resources for effective contribution and professional growth."
The statement concluded that TTPost is confident the partnership will positively impact trainees, the company and the broader community, "marking a significant step in building a dynamic and innovative workforce."
"TTPost partners with Labour Ministry, OJT"