70-year-old charged for sexual abuse in New York

A MAN bearing the name "Michael Annisette" was charged in New York for the criminal offences of "forcible touch – intimate parts" and "sexual abuse in the third degree" that is, subjecting someone to sexual contact without their consent.
The charges were revealed by the Webcriminal search engine of the New York State Unified Court System.
Newsday could not ascertain if the defendant was the Seamen and Waterfront Workers Trade Union (SWWTU) leader of the same name.
Newsday tried to call the local trade union leader but got no response. Calls to two other trade union leaders in NATUC went unanswered.
The summary of details for case CR-027653-24QN said the defendant was born in 1953, (thereby making him 70 or 71).
The alleged incident occurred on August 9, with the arrest being made on August 11, by officer of New York City Police Department precinct 103.
Annisette appeared before judge Edward F Daniels on August 13.
The case was adjourned. During the hearing he was arraigned (or charged). Annisette pleaded not guilty.
The prosecutor requested that bail be imposed, but Annisette was released from custody without bail while the case is pending.
He is due back in court on October 9 at 9 am, before a judge to be announced.
The defence attorney is Shanaz Chowdhurry of 12046 Queens Boulevard, Kew Gardens, New York, who was engaged via legal aid.
Prosecuting is the Queens County District Attorney or Assistant District Attorney.
"70-year-old charged for sexual abuse in New York"