MP Ragbir placed country first

MP Rai Ragbir - Angelo Marcelle
MP Rai Ragbir - Angelo Marcelle

THE EDITOR: The recent controversy surrounding Rai Ragbir, the Member of Parliament for Cumuto/Manzanilla, has ignited fervent debate and critical scrutiny from within his party and among his supporters.

Ragbir's resolute decision to cast his vote in favour of the PNM Government's Whistleblower Protection Bill has evoked sharp criticisms, with many fiercely alleging betrayal of party values and the trust of his constituents.

Unperturbed, Ragbir attributes his stance to the multitude of concerns raised by individuals regarding certain actions within the Sangre Grande Regional Corporation as the driving force behind his choice.

I contend that Ragbir's vote in support of the bill was not only bold but also grounded in unwavering principles, and that his detractors are misguided in their animosity towards him.

Firstly, it is imperative to recognise that the Whistleblower Protection Bill stands as a vital legislative tool aimed at safeguarding individuals who expose misconduct and malpractice. The potential benefits of the bill extend to the people of Cumuto/Manzanilla and the nation as a whole, with Ragbir's affirmative vote speaking volumes about his dedication to combating corruption and upholding accountability.


Furthermore, Ragbir’s critics have failed to substantiate their allegations of his disloyalty to his party or constituents with any tangible evidence. Instead, they have resorted to baseless personal attacks and character defamation, exposing a glaring absence of substance and intellectual integrity.

Ragbir's endorsement of the bill was rooted in his sense of duty to his constituents and his unwavering commitment to advancing the public good. He has vehemently refuted claims of neglecting parliamentary caucus meetings, while his detractors have faltered in furnishing any proof to back their accusations.

It is worth noting the irony that Ragbir’s own party, the UNC, has suddenly raised concerns about his vote in support of the bill, despite its historical negligence in addressing allegations of corruption and wrongdoing within its own ranks.

Ragbir's critics conveniently overlook the party's long-dormant disciplinary committee and its failure to take decisive action against members embroiled in criminal charges or facing serious accusations of corruption, etc.

Evidently, the party's apprehensions regarding Ragbir's vote are fuelled by political expediency rather than a genuine pledge to combat corruption.

This casts serious doubt on the credibility of Ragbir’s critics, who have accused him of levelling false charges against the corporation. It is evident that Ragbir's decision to back the bill stemmed from his unwavering commitment to fostering transparency and accountability, rather than any personal or political agenda.

Ragbir's bold and principled stance in support of the Whistleblower Protection Bill underscores his dedication to fighting corruption and championing accountability. His critics, lacking in credible evidence, have relied on personal attacks and character assassination.

Nurturing a culture of transparency and accountability is paramount in our nation, and Ragbir's support of the bill marks a significant stride in that direction.



Port of Spain


"MP Ragbir placed country first"

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