The ultimate professional broadcaster

THE EDITOR: Effective communication has been a great challenge for TT governments. Failure to address the challenge was a contributor to the downfall of the NAR government when it had to take hard but necessary austerity measures. The current government is hardly any better.
It appears to also be a challenge for our news media broadcasters, most of whom are content with merely reading infantile scripts without connecting with their audience.
I was beginning to lose hope. Then, in comes veteran newscaster Dominic Kalipersad at the weekend just passed. There was a display of top-notch professionalism. Charming. Articulate. Grammatically flawless. Credible. Undine Giuseppi must have been smiling in Heaven.
There’s a lesson to be learnt from the stalwarts. I hope the new-fangled newbies are taking note and would emulate this most effective media communicator.
retired school principal
"The ultimate professional broadcaster"