The magic that is Trinidad and Tobago

US actress Phylicia Rashad, centre, with Education Minister Dr Nyan Gadsby-Dolly, left, and Minister in the Ministry of Education Lisa Morris-Julian at a Carnival function. - Joey Bartlett
US actress Phylicia Rashad, centre, with Education Minister Dr Nyan Gadsby-Dolly, left, and Minister in the Ministry of Education Lisa Morris-Julian at a Carnival function. - Joey Bartlett

THE EDITOR: So the famous actress that many people of my era grew up with, Phylicia Rashad – Claire Huxtable from The Cosby Show – visited our shores during the Carnival season. Her interview and comments which were widely shared in the media reflected what all of TT needed to hear at this time: the magic of TT is our diversity – all different people coming together to be in one place. Our diverse culture was what was unique and most loved about her experience of TT.

While the rest of the world seems to believe that the DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) narrative is needed in their culture, who we are epitomises to the world what true diversity really is. Unfortunately, it takes someone from outside to point out what should be obvious to us. The gift of our diverse culture as a lesson to teach the world – our colour, rhythm, music united with our varied creeds, races and religions from our rich history – all connected together and embraced as one.

This is our sweet TT.

So instead of fighting the battles from elsewhere, let us see our strengths for what they are, but at the same time not close our eyes to our weaknesses.

Within our Carnival culture is also the fact of the honest reflection of our society. This is always very well done though our calypsoes, and this year is no different. Classic themes like poverty is no excuse for crime, character matters. The first investigation is to fix family, it takes a village/tribe; and your purpose is holding a mirror to society, to see the source of our problems as well as potential solutions.


These are the magic words that all parents, educators and leaders (church and state) need to take to heart to address the issues currently facing our country. These are the calypsoes that we need to hear throughout the year to really impact our nation’s future in a positive way.

The energy, joy and passion of a true Trinidadian/Tobagonian needs to be shown to the world. However, we can only truly make the real impact if we address the cracks in our armour that relate to the virtues of discipline, respect, responsibility, humility and courage.

If together we can aspire to fix our weaknesses, then together we can achieve the full potential of the magic from within the heart of TT and show it to the world.


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"The magic that is Trinidad and Tobago"

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