Judges' co-ordinator: San Fernando Carnival good

SAN Fernando Carnival development committee judges' co-ordinator Rosyln Jackson was happy about Carnival celebrations in the city this year.
She made this comment to the media at King's Wharf, San Fernando, on Tuesday.
This area was the designated area for the judging of Carnival bands.
Jackson was asked about changes to the band's parade route.
This year, the route involved a starting point at Royal Road, then to Coffee Street, High Street, King's Wharf and finally to the San Fernando Waterfront.
Previous parade routes included Lady Hailes Avenue and Independence Avenue.
Jackson welcomed the new parade route.
"I think that it has impacted positively."
A longtime San Fernando resident, Jackson, said the previous route caused congestion in certain parts of San Fernando.
She added this did not happen this year.
"It was a lot better this year because the flow was freer."
Jackson said most people also welcomed the new parade route.
"Talking to folks. People seem to be happy with the route."
The bands, Jackson said, had no issues with the new route either.
She said, "We have not had any complaints from any band leaders yet."
On Monday, there was a four-hour gap between the end of J'Ouvert celebrations at 11 am and the appearance of the first band at King's Wharf around 3 pm.
Jackson said some bands choose different times to be on the road, to get the best response to their presentation.
She added that some bands prefer to pass the judges around noon while others opt to do so before sunset, depending on their choice of Carnival portrayal.
Jackson identified creativity, visual impact, presentation and mas on the move as the criteria used to judge bands.
Creativity, visual impact, craftsmanship, originality and presentation are the criteria used to judge the kings and queens of Carnival.
Jackson also said having two venues to judge Carnival bands may be something to consider for next year's celebration.
She added that a post-mortem of Carnival always takes place when the celebrations are over.
The timing of that analysis depends on the San Fernando mayor's office.
In a subsequent interview at King's Wharf, San Fernando mayor Robert Parris promised better Carnival celebrations in the city next year.
He hinted that one of the changes for Carnival 2025 may be the removal of Cipero Street as part of the J'Ouvert activities.
"I think we would recognise now, based on the success of J'Ouvert, the Cipero Street route has outgrown that aspect (of Carnival)."
"Judges’ co-ordinator: San Fernando Carnival good"