Longdenville man in court charged with sexual offences against girl

A 51-year-old man from Longdenville in Chaguanas has been denied bail and remanded into custody charged with two sexual offences: sexual touching of a child and serious indecency against a female minor.
A police statement on Thursday said the accused appeared before Master Moonsammy in the Chaguanas First Magistrates Court on February 5 to answer to the charges.
The victim reported that on two occasions between 2022 and 2024, a man she knew awoke her from sleep by sexually touching her.
The matter was reported to the police on January 31, and they arrested the suspect on that same date.
W/Supt Guy-Alleyne and Insp Jacob of the Special Victims Department (SVD) led the investigations, and WPC Atkinson, also of SVD, laid the charges on February 4.
"Longdenville man in court charged with sexual offences against girl"