New Year's Day wish – Peace and goodwill in Trinidad and Tobago

Despite clear blue skies, shining sun and calm water, the shores of Maracas Beach were somewhat empty on Sunday – Old Year's Day.
Newsday visited the beach and spoke to the public about their New Year wishes and resolutions.
Wanting only to be identified as Ronald, the Couva residebt was seen spending quality time at the beach with his wife and daughter. Asked what he wished for 2024, he said, "Peace, that is it. This crime thing is really too out of control." Saying that crime and news of home-invasions and murders was affecting the psyche of the entire nation, Ronald said peace is needed now more than ever.
Businesswoman Denicia Roxborough-Allum, owner of Abby's Restaurant on the Beach, said she has seen an increase in business since Christmas Day and for this she is thankful.
Roxborough-Allum believes reports of the landslip along the North Coast Road on Saturday is what may have deterred people from visiting Maracas Bay on Sunday. "People probably think it would have had a lot of traffic, but there wasn't any. It was really easy and quick to get to the beach.
On Saturday at 8.45 pm, the landslide occurred on the North Coast Road not too far from the lookout. After the landslide, the TTPS and the Ministry of Works and Transport issued separate statements, urging the public to use alternative routes to get in and out of the area.
Asked about her plans to ring in the new year, Roxborough-Allum said New Year's Day will be spent with family. "It's my family tradition, we always spend the New Year's Day at home together. Quality family time is important."
Roxborough-Allum also hoped for continued health and strength and wished the same for the everyone and stability for TT, but she did not wish to comment when asked about crime.
Randy Holder, a Massy and Cepep worker from Trinicity, said he is working on giving up alcohol as for the new year, saying he plans on bettering himself without going into any further details. Holder said he hopes there is a decrease in crime next year.
"We need to clean up our police service if we want to really fight crime, there is too much corruption in the service." Holder said he would be ushering in the new year at home, saying the fear of crime is one of the main reasons he won't be going out anywhere or to any party to celebrate the dawn of 2024.
Vanessa Ramnath, a US resident was seen enjoying herself along with her two daughters. Ramnath, who is staying with family in Chaguanas, said she is always worried for her personal safety and that of her family whenever she or they leave the family home.
A Trini by birth, Ramnath said her heart breaks when she thinks about the current state of the country where crime is concerned.
"I would like to send stuff back and start a small business, but I feel that would make my family who live here a target for the criminals. I have seen so many videos of small businesses being robbed online. For me, not enough is being done to fight crime in this country," she said,
Ramnath said she would be welcoming the new year at a family lime.
In San Fernando, the general consensus among those interviewed was that they wished for peace and an end to violence and crime.
Graham Arjoon of California said, "I wish for progress in my country. I wish for peace for everyone in TT and throughout the world."
Senell Cudjoe who said she lives in Cocoyea, said, "my New Year's wish is for the people and my country to progress and succeed in all of their endeavours. I wish the best for myself and my family as well."
Mary Tyrell of Arima opined, "as parents, we need to focus on our children, to make things work for our children because right now, some of the children and some of the families in this country are just going haywire."
San Fernando resident Nakita Gragg said, "more wish is for more peace and less killing. The crime is just too much."
Alicion Fenton of Fyzabad said, "my wish is simple – peace on earth and goodwill to all men."
"New Year’s Day wish – Peace and goodwill in Trinidad and Tobago"