President confident in Trinidad and Tobago's future

President Christine Kangaloo -
President Christine Kangaloo -

PRESIDENT Christine Kangaloo expressed confidence in the future of Trinidad and Tobago, in her message for Independence day celebrated on Thursday.

Elected head of state last March, she said the status of independence has required TT's citizens to assume responsibility for their country.

"On August 31, 1962, the people of TT made the courageous decision to break with centuries of colonial rule and, with boundless faith in our destiny, to take full control of our affairs and our future."

She said the mood on the first day of independence had been one of "excitement, optimism and hope."

Kangaloo related, "The red, white and black of our national flag flew proudly in the forecourt of the Red House for the very first time, as our newly minted national anthem played and, in as happy and fortuitous a development as can be imagined, our national flower came into bloom, some might say, at just the perfect time."


She cited the words of the TT's first prime minister, Dr Eric Williams, saying, “You are on your own in a big world, in which you are one of many nations, some small, some medium size, some large. You are nobody’s boss and nobody is your boss.”

His words foreshadowed TT's thrilling yet daunting journey of self-discovery and self-determination, Kangaloo said.

TT was a nation carving its place in the world and creating its own unique identity, philosophy and aspirations.

"Sixty-one years later, the anniversary of our independence provides us with yet another opportunity to reflect on how well we have lived up to that responsibility."

The period had brought successes and challenges in equal measure, she said.

"We have enjoyed highs and suffered lows. We have achieved laudable goals and found ourselves marooned upon woeful milestones."

TT has distinguished itself on the world stage in sport, the creative arts, literature, fashion, business and entertainment, plus other fields, she said.

"Recently, our national instrument, the steel pan, gained even more international acclaim when the UN General Assembly – acknowledging the steel pan promotes inclusive societies, sustainable communities and the creative economy and can have a positive impact on mental health and well-being, gender equality, and youth empowerment – proclaimed August 11 as World Steel Pan Day."

She many outstanding sons and daughters of the soil selflessly gave their time, effort and achievements to develop TT.


"On the other hand, we have had to grapple with serious and multi-faceted social and economic issues, many of which today present enormous challenges to the national well-being." It is citizens' duty to dig deep to turn disaster into triumph, Kangaloo said.

"Independence has made us collectively and individually responsible for managing our affairs and determining our future.

"No one but us can right our wrongs or remedy our problems." Kangaloo said TT citizens must work to build a society of which they could all be proud and glad.

"We are a beautiful people, brimming with creativity, patriotism and resolve. Like all human beings, we are also a flawed people, for none of us is perfect. "Independence is the continuous challenge to raise our innate goodness above our human imperfections."

She expressed full confidence that TT citizens would rise daily to the challenge of Independence.

"I have full faith in our resourcefulness, the strength of our diversity and the goodness of our citizenry.

"And I have full confidence that we will ultimately defeat all that threatens to deprive us of that bright and glorious future of which we dreamed, and to which we committed ourselves, 61 years ago."

Kangaloo said the people would triumph over all adversity and so bridge the gaps which now divided them.

"On this 61st anniversary of our birth, I wish every citizen of Trinidad and Tobago a happy and blessed Independence. May God bless our nation."



"President confident in Trinidad and Tobago’s future"

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