Gary Griffith seeks answers on firearms dealer's extraction from Barbados

FORMER commissioner of police, NTA leader Gary Griffith, on Friday asked whether certain police officers who extracted firearms dealer Brent Thomas from Barbados to TT were being controlled by external elements.
Commenting on Justice Devindra Rampersad's ruling that Thomas was pursued by officers with flimsy search warrants and with dubious extraction procedures, Griffith said the officers seemingly overstepped their legal authority, to create a potential international crime of abduction.
"Given what was revealed by the ruling, the NTA is issuing a call for the immediate suspension of the police officers directly involved, for their unit to be disbanded, and for them to be investigated by the relevant investigative bodies, to ascertain if they were acting under orders from high and or if they were unduly pressured or influenced into committing these illegal acts against a civilian."
He said input from the PCA and DPP must be sought to ensure transparency and allow plea bargaining so the officers could say if they were influenced or intimidated by elements outside the police service.
Griffith asked how did the police service (TTPS) acquire a defence force (TTDF) plane to go to Barbados.
"Was the Chief of Defence Staff aware and involved in the process for the acquisition and use of the defence force plane?
"What paperwork was used to enlist the aid of the Barbados Police Force in the detention and eventual handing over of Thomas?
"Were extradition papers used to acquire Thomas from the Barbadians, and if so are they public record and subject to a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act request)?"
Griffith asked if other agencies in the Ministry of National Security such as the Immigration Division were aware of and were utilised when Thomas re-entered TT.
He asked about the police search of Thomas' premises.
"What are the names of the Justices of Peace who gave the TTPS officers the 'unlawful warrants'?
"Were any other senior TTPS personnel involved, and did they give any approvals for the actions of the officers?"
Griffith asked if junior police officers, heavily involved in the audits of firearms dealers, had met any senior government official at the Diplomatic Centre and Prime Minister’s residence, in recent times?
He asked if the Ministries of National Security and Foreign Affairs and/or their ministers knew about the use of a defence force plane to bring Thomas from Barbados.
"Given the fact the the TT Government through its agencies of the TTPS and TTDF involved the Barbados Government in the 'abduction' of Mr Thomas, would the Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of National Security be making formal contact to explain this potentially explosive diplomatic blunder with our Caricom regional brother? "This is about the preservation of our democracy against those with dictatorial intentions, who are willing to violate the enshrined constitutional rights of any and every citizen."
"Gary Griffith seeks answers on firearms dealer’s extraction from Barbados"